AdvaGlow and AdvaRefresh are two new, non-invasive treatments designed to help your skin repair and restore itself to its youthful health and beauty. Repairing skin damage in Frederick has never been easier than with the AdvaGlow and AdvaRefresh procedures. They enlists the power of the state-of-the-art ADVATx laser to give you fantastic results.
Laser Rejuvenation
Laser Rejuvenation

Pigmentation, acne and texture loss can make you look and feel older than you are. But there is no need to resign ourselves to dull and lifeless skin. Today, you have the power to restore your skin to its youthful vitality and health. At Urban Radiance, our experts offer a highly specialized laser skin rejuvenation treatment that can help you regain glowing and supple skin.
Introducing the AdvaGlow and AdvaRefresh Treatments
The AdvaGlow treatment is designed specifically to help you regain your radiance. A combination of yellow and infrared laser energy is used to minimize the appearance of any skin discoloration, pigmentation and skin damage. Some of the conditions that you can address with AdvaGlow are:
- Acne
- Melasma
- Dyschromia
- Liver spots
The ADVATx laser energy shrinks your open pores, ensuring dirt and debris do not collect. The heat from the laser also slows down excessive oil production by your skin. This will in turn reduce the frequency and severity of acne outbreaks. The tightening effect of the laser energy reduces the appearance of mild wrinkles, leaving your skin looking smooth.
Depending on your genetics and your lifestyle, any skin discoloration may become a lifelong struggle. Regular maintenance treatments can ensure that the results of your AdvaGlow stay for much longer. This is where AdvaRefresh comes in.
AdvaRefresh is a mini version of the AdvaGlow. This can be a great touch-up treatment that you opt for when you need only minor rejuvenation and revitalization. The AdvaRefresh harnesses the power of the ADVATx laser energy to stimulate the production of collagen (types 1, 3 & 7), as well as elastin in the skin. This helps volumize your face and reduce the appearance of lines. Regular AdvaRefresh treatments can prevent debris build-up in the skin, reducing acne outbreaks. It can also break down pigmentation and provide an even tone to your skin.
Reach out to us at Urban Radiance for more information on how you can repair skin damage in Frederick.
More About the ADVATx Laser
ADVATx is a solid-state laser that produces two different pulses, of 589 nm and 1319 nm each. The combination of these two wavelengths ensures that both superficial and deep skin damage problems are addressed with a single treatment.
ADVATx is an FDA/CE-certified technology that can be used to address a variety of conditions like:
- Wrinkles
- Warts
- Acne
- Scars
- Vascular conditions
Before the Session
When you visit us for a consultation, we examine your skin to identify if you are eligible for the treatment or not. The ADVATx is a very skin-safe laser that can be used by any adult who experiences moderate-to-severe discoloration, acne scarring, wrinkles and volume loss. But, if you have any skin condition that may worsen because of the laser, we will recommend an alternate treatment or an alternate date for the AdvaGlow or AdvaRefresh procedure. It’s best to postpone the treatment if you’re currently pregnant or breastfeeding too. Our experts at Urban Radiance can help you make an informed decision on the best time to repair your skin damage in Frederick.
During the Procedure
Both the AdvaGlow and AdvaRefresh treatments take place at our Urban Radiance clinic. Once you come in for your session, we apply a numbing lotion on your face. This makes the procedure more comfortable. The entire treatment can be completed in under an hour’s time.
After the procedure, you may notice a minor swelling or redness on the face. But these should subside. Our dermatological specialists will provide a detailed skincare regimen for you to use after the treatments.
How Often Can We Get the AdvaGlow and AdvaRefresh Treatments?
You will begin to notice the effects of the AdvaGlow and AdvaRefresh over the course of the next few days. These results will stay for a few weeks. It is recommended that after you undergo the AdvaGlow treatment, you schedule a monthly AdvaRefresh session to ensure you retain your rejuvenated and refreshed appearance for months to come. Please contact Urban Radiance for more information.
Seize the Moment!
Get ready to look and feel your best! Are you looking to bring out the best and most beautiful you in a safe and natural way? Look no further, Urban Radiance offers medical spa transformations as well as day spa treatments to refresh and revitalize your skin. You will look and feel younger through our modern spa enhancements! Let us help you bring out the beauty and shine.