KYBELLA is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment that destroys fat cells in the area under the chin to improve your profile. It is a nonsurgical injectable technique used to target the fat beneath the chin. The process uses a series of deoxycholic acid injections to target the fat cells in this area. No incisions are required, and the downtime is minimal.

Kybella® treatments – An FDA approved treatment for destroying fat cells! Urban Radiance is the premier treatment provider for Kybella in Frederick, Colorado. Our Registered Nurse and owner, Alicia Micaletti is highly experienced in Kybella treatments.
What is Kybella?
Why Kybella?
Many people naturally store excess fat (submental fat) under their chin. The aging process and family genetics can also contribute to the development of a double chin, while loss of tissue from the cheeks combined with loss of skin elasticity can cause the skin to slide and sag underneath the chin. By removing the submental fat we can improve the appearance and profile of moderate to severe fat below the chin (aka double-chin). Urban Radiance provides the best treatment for a double chin in Frederick, CO.
The Benefits of Kybella Treatment:
Minimally invasive treatment permanently removes fat from under the chin or other areas fat cells will not redevelop.
To learn more about it, click here!
How does
Kybella work?
Kybella is a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid which is found naturally in the body and helps in the breakdown of fat. Kybella, once injected into the area under the chin reduces the fat cells. The body sheds these reduced fat cells naturally, and what is seen is a beautiful, taut neck without any sagging or flabby skin. Since the reduced cells are shed, there is no chance of fat deposits returning. So, Kybella is a permanent solution to flabby chins.
Am I a good candidate for Kybella treatment?
- Are you looking to get rid of the fat under your chin without undergoing surgery?
- Have you tried exercise and diet but the fat around your chin refuses to go away?
- Are you self-conscious and/or embarrassed by the fat under your chin?
- Do you feel that the fat under your chin makes you look fatter and older than you are?
- Would you like to show a young, youthful neck?
Kybella is a non-invasive procedure and can be used for a variety of reasons. If you answered yes to one or more of the questions listed above, you are definitely a candidate for Kybella in Frederick, CO.
What can you expect before Kybella treatment?
While Kybella treatment is safe and reliable, we understand that the collection of fat under the chin can be due to a variety of reasons – from genetics to lifestyle and food habits. Once we understand the cause for the fat deposits under your chin, we will be able to develop a treatment plan that will be personalized according to your needs. We will then discuss with you what you can expect from the procedure. Some of the considerations that we will discuss
with you before treatment include:
- Current Medications.
- Blood thinner that you might currently be on.
- Other facial surgical procedures you may have had or plan to have.
- Medical conditions related to the neck area you might have had or are currently suffering from.
- Difficulties experienced when swallowing.
- Bleeding problems you may suffer from.
- If you are currently pregnant or planning on a pregnancy in the near future.
- If you are currently breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed in the future.
What to Expect in a Kybella Treatment
Treatments are fairly straightforward. Our in-house RN will consult with you to determine if you are a good candidate. Using comforting tools the product is strategically injected in multiple areas to reach the targeted area of fat we wish to dissolve. You may experience a slight burning sensation, it is only temporary! The whole process takes generally one hour. Three to four treatments are generally required to achieve optimal results and discounted packages are available.
What to Expect After the Treatment?
While Kybella is a non-invasive procedure and involves little or no discomfort, it is good to know what you might experience after your Kybella treatment. Some redness as well as swelling should be expected after the procedure. Some people may even experience some bruising, pain, and even numbness in the area. However, these are very natural side effects common with any type of cosmetic injectable, and there is no need to panic. There is an extremely rare possibility of any other side effects.
How Long will Kybella Last?
The results are permanent! The fat below your chin won’t return, and you can enjoy the results as long as you maintain a healthy weight!
Post-Treatment Guidelines
Use an ice pack on the treated areas for a few times that day. Treated areas may be red, inflamed, swollen, or bruised for the first 2-7 days. Get in touch with us today, for more information about Kybella in Frederick, CO. Contact Alicia at 720.535.5162 or schedule an appointment online at
Seize the Moment!
Get ready to look and feel your best! Are you looking to bring out the best and most beautiful you in a safe and natural way? Look no further, Urban Radiance offers medical spa transformations as well as day spa treatments to refresh and revitalize your skin. You will look and feel younger through our modern spa enhancements! Let us help you bring out the beauty and shine.