The Sculptra treatment is a quick injectable that can effectively lessen any outward indications of aging and assist you in regaining the volume and suppleness of your skin. By encouraging the body to produce more collagen and elastin, Sculptra treatments may plump up areas of skin that have lost elasticity and definition. This amazing therapy option is suitable for both men and women and may be used on either the face or the body.

Combat volume loss in your face.
At Urban Radiance Med Spa, we provide Sculptra treatments that may be beneficial if you are searching for a therapy that can rebuild collagen in aged skin as well as treating superficial to deep wrinkles, creases, and laugh lines.
What is Sculptra?
How does Sculptra work?
In comparison to conventional silicone or hyaluronic acid fillers, Sculptra is a dermal filler that functions somewhat differently. Poly-L-lactic acid, the active component in this filler, promotes the creation of collagen in your body and creates new support structures for your skin. Sculptra aids your body in producing the components needed for plump, tight, elastic skin, as opposed to just replacing lost volume.
What can Sculptra treat?
Sculptra is often used to treat the following skin and body concerns:
- Deep wrinkles and lines,
- Sagging skin,
- General skin resurfacing,
- Deep creases,
- Sunken areas,
- Marionette lines,
- Nasolabial folds,
- Non-surgical butt lifts,
- Among others…
Who is a Candidate
for Sculptra Treatment?
Our Sculptra injections are a great option for both men and women who want to seem younger while highlighting their inherent beauty features. They provide a very organic and safe technique to smooth the years away by working with your body to repair collagen.
What to expect during your Sculptra treatment
Sculptra injections normally last between 30 and 60 minutes on average with the consultation. A needle will be used to gently pierce the skin’s deepest layers at selected locations during the procedure. These injections are intended to awaken any latent collagen and elastin. After their treatment, patients can return to their regular schedules right away!
What to expect after your Sculptra treatment
For optimal effects, massage the affected regions of your skin for five minutes at least five times each day after receiving your Sculptra injections. If you experience any pain or begin to bruise, apply an ice pack to the injection sites. Swelling or redness is very normal and will go away on its own within a few hours.
How long do Sculptra results last for?
Before its benefits start to fade, Sculptra should last you for around two years. During this time, you may obtain further injections if necessary to maintain the results.
Book Your
Sculptra Treatment In Frederick
If you are ready to schedule your very own Sculptra treatments, please give our specialists a call or fill out a contact form with your information to get started!
Seize the Moment!
Get ready to look and feel your best! Are you looking to bring out the best and most beautiful you in a safe and natural way? Look no further, Urban Radiance offers medical spa transformations as well as day spa treatments to refresh and revitalize your skin. You will look and feel younger through our modern spa enhancements! Let us help you bring out the beauty and shine.